First off, thanks for stopping by. This is the place to come for News and Information about Enticio Write and the various “goings-on” that we want to share with you. Note that while this is primarily a one-man show (for now), I often use the royal “we” in the sense that there are others that help with usability, design and testing. I suppose, it also gets me away from the impression that it’s all about me. This puts me a bit off because most of the time, when I work, I am not thinking about me at all… I’m thinking about you.
It is said that the secret to being a great painter is knowing when to put the brush down; for a creative, the hardest thing to do is to say, “it’s done.” It begs the question of how you shut off an endless river if ideas so that you can deliver something that makes sense? In this case, the whole point of Enticio Write is to give you a simple set of tools that you will be able to use to express yourselves in infinite ways. It doesn’t do everything and it’s not supposed to; people often get that wrong. The software is supposed to be simple and the infinite part is the YOU part, what you bring to it. I know this because, when given a choice, most people won’t use complex software for any number of reasons. The truth is that sometimes, engineers don’t know when to stop engineering and designers don’t know when to stop designing. Enticio Write is the opposite of that, it is not computing or word processing – it’s handwriting. I supposed you could say that this is what a word processor for handwriting might look like.
As mentioned, this Blog is where we will try to tell you more about the software, new releases and other things we are working on. It has taken a while to get the website up to a point where you should be able to find everything and it works as it should. Be sure to check out the different “Categories” to get access to all the most important and fun information.
So, welcome and thank you. Enjoy the Enticio Write experience!