Enticio™ Write was initially released with no defects, however, dealing with change is unavoidable in software and too often, that joy is short-lived. As you know, Apple uses an “evergreen” model for software releases, which dictates that we are always moving forward. Our plan is to always keep the app is working well with the latest version of iOS. However, there may be a period of time after a new release, when there can be problems. It is also true that while we work to address issues we run into, a period of time will pass as we resolve the issue and do the testing necessary to create a new release. We appreciate when our users post issues and let us know when they run into problems, big and small. Enjoy.
Announcing Version 2.3
This is the latest release of our favorite app. As always, we are working on new releases to maintain compatibility with new gear and software updates to maintain that unique ease of use.