There are times when a formal, printed invitation might be elegant and appropriate… and then there’s everything else!
If you are having a party and want to get people’s attention with a more personal invitation that stands out, you can create your own beautiful invitations that sends the message to people that they matter and that they are worth your time and attention. Don’t be so preoccupied with your penmanship; the truth is that almost no one has great style and control and you are probably better than you think! We are definitely against the shaming of anyone’s handwriting and even people with great handwriting, don’t seem to think so. This is about expression and making a statement that is totally you.
First, go find an image that you like and make it part of your stationery. Choose a color for your paper that you like and decide if you want lines; you can always remove them later, when you are finished writing.
For more formal invitations, you might prefer the nib pen on off-white paper… very regal. But for other things like parties, birthdays, etc.. Something a bit more colorful might be more fun and work better. Generally, I like to use a brush for a big, fancy title right on top of the image and a smaller pen for the details but as always, you should take the opportunity to let it be about you. After all, it’s your invitation isn’t it?